je suis un bébé requin,
and this is a photo journal of a previous life.
jeudi 31 décembre 2009
two thousand and ten

2010, here we come, happy new year.

On another note, has anyone ever sat on a warmed toilet seat? Now THAT'S something i would like to wake up to every morning, oh baby.

it is cold here in Nozawa Onsen Village, so i am glad that i can sit inside and watch the overly snowing skies and take pretty pictures.

Whilst sitting here, i see that as the new year comes in Vivienne Westwood is persuing new interests with wallpapers instead of clothes, well done westwood, welldone.

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vendredi 25 décembre 2009
So it is holiday season in Australia. I'd just like to say Merry Christmas erryone, but it wasn't that merry for our family this year, as we spent the most part of it on a plane to the mother country of Japan.

Yes, as most people were sleeping, we were travelling through the night watching the latest movies on tiny plane tv screens and eating far-from-tasty food.

During the next year abroad, i'll be doing a lot of travelling, so i thought i'd write a few reviews on various modes of transport and what have you.. sorry fashion, you'll be pushed to the side for a little bit, but that's ok, cos you're my one true love, dont you worry.

So, let's take it away.

Our family goes travelling once a year, abroad, and never have we had to pay for excess luggage. (We usually fly QANTAS) Unfortunately this year, being 30kgs over(how is that even possible) we were charged a ridiculous amount p/kg. Thank the Lord that we only gor charged for 6kg over. I guess it was the skis, seeing as i packed like (14kg instead of 20, yee boy.)

My parents fly business and us kids fly economy, and as usual, there isnt that much to brag about in economy. The food is alright, with a variety of japanese or western, yet i found it strange that whenever they offered you drinks, it was only 1/2 cup full after they poured it.

The pillows and blankets they give you are quite thin, and they stop the in-flight entertainment quite soon before landing.

Overall, the staff are nice, and well presented.

JAL, i present you with a 76/100.

In other news, my sister has been in Japan for the past few months, and seeing as we're here too, we're going to meet up with her and i'm uber excited.. although sad, knowing i wont see her for a whole year.. (I'll be in France on my own exchange)... one daughter comes back, the other one leaves.

Anyway, we've been here in Tokyo for about 3 hours, and there's a 2 hour time difference between here and AU, so it's about midnight there and 10pm here. The food here is amazing: Udon and Tempura for dinner.

Now i am just relaxing around the computer, waiting for my hair dye to sink in. Hypnotic Red here we come.

I apologise for hte lack of photos, my camera cord is at home, but i will be flying back to Sydney in a week, picking up my bags for France, and will pack it in then.

Until the next post, over and out.

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mercredi 9 décembre 2009
Formichetti Strikes again.



All images sourced here.

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lundi 7 décembre 2009
You'll never be what is in your heart.
”But it was not your fault but mine,
And it was your heart on the line,
I really f--ked it up this time,
Didn't I, my dear?”

Rolling around, laughing. There was evidence of tampering with the birthday cake.

everything is reality. Even the things you dont want to admit.

But Friends keep you together.

Miss M and I did a speech for the birthday laydee. We'll call her L. L is one of my closest friends. It's kinda cute actually. She's having her 21st, and her boyfriend flew all the way from England to be here. They met on exchange, and they became lovers. He's stuck here for a year now. bwahahahah.... etc etc.

Trendy men make me smirk.

miss m with her copyrighted pose.

i was trying for a 50s look which sort-of eventuated..
Headband: Handmade
Dress: Great Ocean Road, Melbourne.
Jewellery: Pearls, tiffany and co. bracelet, Liger Ring 

Presents? I made coasters, and then added photos to the middle of them.

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dimanche 6 décembre 2009
bzzzzzt- These are not the droids you are looking for.
There is a great disturbance in the Force...

Two of my favourite things: Star Wars & Drawings.
Mesh them together and BOOM! Click here for more drawings. How Kawaii are they, desu ne? I must admit i am a 'lil bit of a nerd when it comes to Star Wars. I'll confide in you, dear readers that i did not rea-lly watch star wars for the first time until about 4 months ago. I had a complete MARATHON though, and now i am totes up to date, so don't panic.

Stormtroopers, they're just nublets.

If i was a man in my hey-day in the 70s, she would be my woman.

...The Force is strong with this one.

(He really is nice on the inside..)

and my favourite, Admiral Ackbar. How can you take him seriously. F'real.

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samedi 5 décembre 2009
And i didnt think Japan could get anymore cute.
So i have been cybersurfing a lot this week, seeing as it is summer holidays, and i have had the work off for a few days *hurrah* and not only did i find the new love of my life in twilight (I know, how muchmore 13yearold could i get) ... although i'm not crazy like the girls at My life is twilight but i also found a completely and totally cool nail expo in Japan. It is a bit degrading 'cos the other day i got really excited that i painted my toes a "rasberry red" a la loreal, but these ladies, oh man. Have a looksie

A few months ago i also saw this amazing nailart on photobucket, and was looking for a good time to post it, and now the expo has come around, i dont think there could be a better time!

Sources: 1-7, 8
Happy Weekend babettes

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vendredi 4 décembre 2009
To Holga or +Diana.
I am in a bit of a pickle at the moment. It is arriving on christmas and i am spoiling myself with a new camera. At the moment, i have a Canon G10, which is i guess a version down from an SLR. It is digital which is a total plus, but i want to go back to old school and am tossing up between a Holga or a the +Diana.

I have been kinda nerdy and have looked on a trillion forums.. with the general consensus being Holga "ftw"... but i still don't know. There's pros on cons for both, and the way i am looking at it, i am thinking of just getting both. But i dont need both...

Does anyone have either, or know anything about them?

I would like opinions.. please?

There's a nice "deluxe set" on ebay for the diana at about $300.. $200 cheaper than on the website.. but still.. i dont know which one to get.

I am leaning towards a holga at the moment, but then the questions of detail.. a colour flash? Other accessories? Oh, the endless questions.

I have been looking here but it's quite pricey compared to that of ebay or what have you. It's times like these that i wish i lived in the USA so i could have free amazon shipping. 

Dear America, you don't know how lucky you are.
Yours truly.

I really enjoyed this piece of delight, but i dont think they have anymore in stock which is a bit of a bummer.. It was completely retro and oh so me!

Also, does anyone know why people use expired film.. or why cameras leak? Oh, the dilemma.

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